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Warrior Principles

We didn’t invent these ‑ we became aware of them, and choose to live by them. These principles are unchanging and absolute. Our intention is to follow these principles always, and to be aware of, acknowledge, and learn from those times that we don’t. These principles were given expression by the Mankind Project

Responsibility -

I am responsible for my life – my feelings, my choices, and my actions. I choose my reactions. I use ‘I’ statements.

Integrity -                 

My choices and actions are consistent with my intentions, mission and commitments. I keep my promises. I do what I say I will. I walk the talk.

Self-awareness -

I examine my thoughts, feelings and behaviors. I am aware of ‘shadows’, patterns, and limiting beliefs that compromise my integrity with these principles.

Accountability - 

I “own” to another man when I am out of integrity. I acknowledge the consequences of my actions, and the choices and intentions behind them. I learn and grow from these lessons.

Clarity -                     

I seek understanding. I know what I want. I know who I am.

Mission -                  

I seek to discover my true mission of service and choose to live in integrity with it.

Action -                     

I take action to live my mission and fulfill my commitments. I ask for help when I need it. I ask for what I want. I move through my fear. I take risks.

Authenticity -          

I am sincere and honest in all my dealings. I am aware of and own my feelings. I speak my truth. I come from my heart. I am genuine and real.

Directness -            

I speak clearly to another man of my perceptions, feelings and judgments towards him. I neither practice nor tolerate sideways comments or ‘gossip’. I am loyal to myself and my brothers.                                                    
Trust -                       

I trust the process. I am worthy of trust. As I live these principles and values, I learn to trust and respect myself.

Unconditional Love -

I love and accept all men, without reservation. I value and celebrate our differences. I love and accept myself as I am, right now. I achieve a life of unconditional love, by raising my consciousness to the level from which all love flows.

Compassion -       

I see all behavior as a statement of love or a cry for help. I see and seek to heal the wounds behind ‘negative’ behaviors. I look for the positive intent behind all behavior and strive to forgive of myself and others.


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